Week 2 of CMO has come to a close, and looking back I’m thinking, “How did all that happen in just one week?” With all the driving, walking, hiking, camping, catching buses, and HEAT, it seems like all we did was exert ourselves and then sleep! All that being said we did get a lot done this week.

Tuesday was our day off, aka Nathan did missionary homework and I ran around trying to get all my stuff in order for the incoming week. We were invited to a church family’s house for dinner, so that was a nice break in the action. The couples’ names were Ruslan and Tania and they go to a church here in L’viv named Greater Grace. We had an enjoyable time talking about many things, though fishing took up the majority of the conversation.

View the full Week 2 photo album on our Facebook page!

Week 2 Photo Album

Wednesday we packed all our stuff and headed to a city named Ivano-Frankivsk which was about a two-and-a-half-hour drive. We stayed at a hotel there for two nights and did tract distribution. This week alone, we distributed 17,000 invitations to the Good and Evil books! Also we have 6 request for the Books. Friday evening we came home to a delicious meal prepared by Kelsie Steele. (Never thought I could be so sick of my own cooking!)

Saturday was another day of half tracting and half street ministry. We tracked from around 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m., had a short lunch, then took a bus to the central part of L’viv. This is where we do Bible surveys and give away Good and Evil books. There weren’t as many people there as last week due to the intense heat, but we still conducted 16 surveys and gave away 16 Good and Evil books.

Sunday church went from 10:30 to 12:00 and around 4:00 we left for the Carpathian mountains. We spent the night in tents and then drove a half hour to a small town where we passed out more Good and Evil invites. We arrived home Monday around 4:00, and that brings us to today, Tuesday the 22nd.

How you can pray

  • Pray that God would open many doors to ministry during CMO 2023.
  • Pray that many people would respond to our “Good and Evil invites” and request copies of the book.
  • Pray for smooth logistics as we mail out hundreds of Good and Evil books, both to our distributors and to individuals.
  • Pray for our upcoming concert in Radekhiv on August 27.
  • Pray for new Bible students to sign up for our course.
  • Pray for fruitful conversations as we share the Gospel one-on-one with Ukrainians.
  • Pray for safety as we minister in Ukraine during a time of war.
  • Pray that Ukrainians everywhere would turn to Jesus Christ and receive the gift of everlasting life through His name.