CMO 2018 began on July 12 and ended August 6. We had a great summer and witnessed many blessings as the Lord opened doors for the advancement of His Gospel. In this post, I'd like to provide a brief recap of what was accomplished during the project.

Meet the Team

God gave us an outstanding team of 10 men this year, and we all had a great summer ministering together. There were several new faces as well as staff members and veterans from past CMO projects.


The CMO 2018 Team. From the left: Tolik, Elliot, William, Nathan, Jessie, Ben, Joshua, Andrew Howard, Andrew Joyner, and Isaiah.

CMO 2018 by the Numbers

No CMO project would be complete without the stats. If you've followed our ministry for any length of time, you know that Nathan is our numbers man, and this year he already has the basics ready to post.

  • We showed the film in 5 villages.
  • Total attendance for all showings combined was 96.
  • Average attendance per showing was 19.
  • The CMO guys conducted 95 Bible surveys in L'viv. (More on that in a moment.)
  • We conducted 16 open-air outreaches with street preaching and chalk art.
  • 7 of the men took a turn preaching via interpreter, several for the first time.
  • We conducted literature campaigns in 3 major cities: L'viv, Rivne, and Lutsk.
  • The total number of tracts distributed was 113,000.
  • Our average tract output per day was 18,600.
  • As of August 23rd (when these stats were compiled) we had received 81 responses. That number has continued to increase in the weeks following.
  • There were 4 first-timers on the CMO 2018 team. This brings us to a total of 47 CMO alumni!

Fun fact: This year was the first CMO project wherein we used full-color tracts. Initial responses indicate that these were 4 times more effective than their black and white counterparts! Yeah, we'll be printing color tracts for CMO 2019.

Bible Surveys

This year, we introduced a new ministry for CMO: Bible Surveys. Here's how it worked. Every Saturday, the CMO team went out to the downtown area of L'viv and, working in pairs, conducted short surveys with people on the street.

The purpose of the survey was two-fold. Firstly, it gave us a way to strike up conversations about the Lord while avoiding much of the awkwardness that comes from approaching total strangers. Secondly, it provided some intriguing insight into the spiritual climate of people living in Ukraine.

Our survey contained 5 questions, and everyone who completed a survey was offered a free copy of Good and Evil in Ukrainian. The follow charts show the data we compiled from the answers we received.







Thank you for praying for our ministry here in Ukraine. We're excited about what God is doing, and we're very grateful for the privilege of serving Him in Ukraine. Keep your eyes open for announcements about CMO 2019. And if you know any young men who are ready to experience real, hands-on missions, send them our way!
